Real time no measurement

Real time constant amperometric detection of NO in tissues/cells.rnrnThis gaseous neurotransmitter has a very short half-life (*5 s) and is usually studied by using indirect detection.rnWe set up an original method to measure in real-time conditions hypothalamic nitric oxide production after intragastric glucose administration.

Interest / Relevance: null
Keywords: NO , ROS
Scientist's name: Philippe VALET
Claude KNAUF
T. DUPARC D. NASLAIN A. COLOM G.G. MUCCIOLI N. MASSALY N.M. DELZENNE P. VALET P.D. CANI C. KNAUF. Jejunum inflammation in obese and diabetic mice impairs enteric glucose detection and modifies nitric oxide release in the hypothalamus. Antiox. Red. Signal. 14: 415-23 2011.rnrnT. DUPARC A. COLOM P.D. CANI N. MASSALY S. RASTRELLI A. DROUGARD S. LE GONIDEC L. MOULÉDOUS B. FRANCES I. LECLERCQ C. LLORENS-CORTES J.A. POSPISILIK N.M. DELZENNE P. VALET I. CASTAN-LAURELL & C. KNAUF. Central apelin controls glucose homeostasis via a nitric oxide dependent pathway in mice. Antiox. Red. Signal. 2011.



Business Developper
Inserm Transfert
Research Tools
Accessible for: Fee-for-service research, Collaboration, Training / Know-How License
Equipment available: null
Samples/Models available: null
Rare disease: No
Last update: 12/06/2024

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