
Neuroglobin gene therapy for use in the treatment or prevention of a

Mitochondrial dysfunction is responsible for hereditary optic neuropathies. We wished to determine whether preserving mitochondrial […]

Antibody protecting from bscb leakage induced cns damages

The present invention relates to an anti-NMDA antibody or fragment or derivative thereof which is effective in inhibiting the deleterious effects of […]

M-csf for preventing or treating myeloid cytopenia and related

The invention relates to a method for preventing or treating myeloid cytopenia and related complications such as infections in patients undergoing […]

Fonctionalized microparticules as vaccination adjuvant and ag vector

The invention relates to microparticules fonctionalized with alphagalactosylceramide for sustained iNKT cell activation. Delivering of […]

Apelin analogs for the treatment of dysfunction associated with aging

The inventors show that apelin plays a role in energy metabolism and particularly in energetic mechanisms in mitochondria. rnThey show that apelin […]

Recombinant flagellin for preventing and treating

The present invention relates to the use of an optimized truncated flagellin (TLR5 agonist devoided of toxic effect) for preventing or treating […]

Pharmacologically active microcarriers for efficient integration of

This invention results from Pharmacologically Active Microcarriers (PAM) which are based on a biocompatible and biodegradable material. These […]