
Methods of determining whether a patient suffering froma

Pheochromocytomas produce and store catecholamines. The release of excessive amounts of catecholamine can lead to life-threatening […]

Bile salts bactosensor and use thereof for diagnostic and therapeutic

Bile salts are steroid acids derived from cholesterol in the liver, are released into the gastrointestinal tract to aid in digestion and are […]

Methods of assessing the risk of developing progressivemultifocal

Natalizumab a monoclonal antibody is associated with the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), an infection caused by the John […]

Use of alarmins as biomarkers for assessing ischemiareperfusion injury

The inventors aim to assess IL-33 and HMGB1 contributions as alarmins to I/R injury following solid organ transplantation in particular liver […]

Method to treat and stratificate a patient sufferingfrom a cancer

The present invention relates to the stratification and treatment of patients suffering of cancer. Due to the fact that anti-PD1 therapy targets […]

Methods for the diagnosis and thetreatment of graft-versus-hostdisease

The invention relates to methods for the prediction and the treatment of risk of acute graft versus host disease. The inventors demonstrated that an […]

Methods and compositions for predicting and treating uveal melanoma

Here, in multi-scale analyses using single-cell RNA sequencing of six different primary uveal melanomas, inventors uncover a previously unrecognized […]

Methods and compositions for predicting and treating uveal melanoma

Here, in multi-scale analyses using single-cell RNA sequencing of six different primary uveal melanomas, inventors uncover a previously unrecognized […]

Use of the emm antigen as a biomarker of inherited gpi deficiencies

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) is a glycolipid that anchors more than 150 proteins to the cell surface. Pathogenic variants in several genes that […]

Methods for diagnosis and monitoring of toxic epidermal necrolysis

In the present invention, inventors investigate the representation of T cell subsets in Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) a life-threatening cutaneous […]