
Gfp-tagged mucin-reporter mouse model

To follow a gel-forming mucin production, we tagged with a GFP variant a mouse mucin gene. This reporter mouse allow also to follow goblet cell number […]

Mouse anti mouse ccl5 monoclonal antibody (clone 2e9)

Mouse monoclonal antibody directed against mouse CCL5. Antibody was produced by immunising CCL5 KO mice with recombinant CCL5. […]

Apoa2 humanized transgenic mouse – line beta

The mice are hemizygous for the human apolipoprotein A2 (ApoA2) gene expressed under the control of the homologous promoter (-911/+2045). They are […]

High-throughput screening for small psycho-active molecules in

Here, we describe a simple, behaviour-based approach to identify in vivo novel psycho-active molecules in zebrafish embryos. Using an automated […]

Labeled mouse escherichia coli (gfp or dsred)

An E. coli was isolated from the mouse feces and transformed with a plasmid expressing either the GFP or the DSRed under an E coli specific promoter. […]

Hu-ucp3 transgenic mice (moderate overexpr.) resistant to high

Uncoupling protein (UCP) 3 is a mitochondrial inner membrane protein expressed predominantly in glycolytic skeletal muscles.Transgenic mice were […]

Apoa2 humanized transgenic mouse – line delta

The mice are hemizygous for the human apolipoprotein A2 (ApoA2) gene expressed under the control of the homologous promoter (-911/+2045). They are […]

Tailor made high-fat diet fed diabetic mice

We can provide mice a nutritional model of mice which become either type 2 diabetic without obesity, or obese and diabetic or mainly obese. […]

Mouse model for multiple sclerosis mediated by cd8 t cells

we generated mice in which the model antigen influenza hemagglutinin (HA) is selectively expressed as a neo-self antigen in oligodendrocytes, referred […]