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Flow Cytometry
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Western Blot
Cardiovascular Diseases
Central Nervous System
Ear nose throat disease
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Genetic Disorders
Genito Urinary System
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Infectious diseases
This transgenic mice model ("DMSXL") contains large human genomic DNA sequence carrying the DMPK gene with very large repeat (>1200 CTG). They show […]
This antibody recognizes the human KIAA0753 protein (also named OFIP or MNR). The epitope is located at the carboxy terminus of the protein, between […]
The monoclonal antibody reacts with human and mouse TP53INP1 (both isoforms TP53INP1alphaƒnand TP53INP1beta). TP53INP1 is a key stress factor endowed […]
The monoclonal antibody reacts with human and mouse TP53INP1 (both isoforms TP53INP1alpha and TP53INP1beta). TP53INP1 is a key stress factor endowed […]
Directory of 5,000 ongoing academic research projects funded at national or European level in 36 countries, classified by disease and health product […]
Comprehensive inventory of 5,000 rare diseases, indexed with ICD10, OMIM, genes (HGNC nomenclature), swissprot, genatlas, class of prevalence, class […]
When undifferentiated, invasive neoplastic cell lines are treated with an optimal time / concentration combination of curcumin (under conditions […]
Leptin is an adipocyte-derived pleiotropic hormone that modulates a large number of physiological functions, including control of body weight and […]
This transgenic mice model ("DMSXL") contains large human genomic DNA sequence carrying the DMPK […]
Flt-3/Flk-2 Antibody (SF1.340) is a mouse monoclonal IgG1 (kappa light chain) […]
This antibody recognizes the human KIAA0753 protein (also named OFIP or MNR). The epitope is located […]
Isotype IgG1, kHost : BALB/c mouseTarget species: FcgRIIA/B […]
Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) are large cells in germinal centers (GCs) of primary and lymphoid […]
Thymus-derived CD8+ TCRab+ T cells typically express heterodimericCD8ab consisting of a […]