
Bmp6 -/- mice

Targeted disruption of BMP6 in mice causes a rapid and massive accumulation of iron in the liver, the acinar cells of the exocrine pancreas, the heart […]

Mouse anti-mouse h-2dd (mouse mhc class i & human hla-b7,

Mouse alloantibody recognizing the mouse MHC classI H-2Dd molecule. raised in the A.BY (KbIbDb) anti-A.TL (KsIkDd) strain combination. […]

Rat mesothelioma cell line m5-t2

Neoplastic rat cell line isolated from tumor masses (peritoneal mesothelioma) collected in the peritoneal cavity of a male rat (F344) after 387 days […]

Animal models of fibrosis

UUO: This model is induced in mice or rats by unilateral ureteral ligation (UUO) of the left ureter. The animals rapidly develop, within a few days, […]