Anti-kiaa0753 rat monoclonal antibody 5h3

This antibody recognizes the human KIAA0753 protein (also named OFIP or MNR). The epitope is located at the carboxy terminus of the protein, between residues 763 and 884. It detects endogenous KIAA0753 in various cell lines using immunoblot and immunofluorescence techniques.

Interest / Relevance: KIAA0753 is a centrosome and centriolar satellite protein involved in primary cilia formation and centriole duplication. The KIAA0753 gene is mutated in somes patients with Joubert and OFD syndroms, two ciliopathies of genetic origin. This antibody is of interest both in a basic research and clinical context.
Keywords: Cilia , Centrosome , Ciliopathy
Scientist's name: Olivier ROSNET
Véronique Chevrier, Daniel Birnbaum



Business Developper
Olivier ROSNET
Inserm Transfert
Research Tools
Clones available: 5H3
Isotype: lgG2a
Source: Rat
Specificity: Human
Cellular Distribution: Centrosome, centrioles, centriolar satellites
Rare disease:
Last update: 30/09/2022

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