Direct pulmonary delivery of oseltamivir carboxylate for the treatment of influenza infections

The present application relates to antiviral compounds and to their use for the treatment and/or prevention of viral infections. More particularly, the present invention relates to Sulconazole and Sulconazole derivatives for their use in treating and/or preventing viral infections. Sulconazole and its derivatives demonstrated an effective anti-adenoviral activity used at 5 µM in-vitro. Moreover, these compounds demonstrated an increased activity compared to the lead compound Cidofovir (standard clinical drug used against adenovirus infection).

Keywords: Infectious diseases, antivirals,pulmonary formulation
Patent Application number: European Procedure (Patents) (EPA) - 25 Mai 2016 - 16 305 605.4
J Control Release. 2018 Feb 10;271:118-126. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2017.12.021. Epub 2017 Dec 22.



    Business Developper
    Inserm Transfert
    Business Developer
    Patent filling date: 25-05-2016
    Rare disease: No
    Second indication: No

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