
Lymphotoxin alpha regulates the immunosuppressive functions of

The present invention relates to regulatory T cell and uses thereof. By their immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory activities, regulatory T cells […]

Rankl to boost thymic regeneration

Cytoablative treatments lead to severe damages on thymic epithelial cells (TECs), which result in delayed de novo thymopoïesis and a prolonged period […]

A b cell depleting agent for the treatment of atherosclerosis or post

New anti-atherogenic strategies based on B cell modulation, and suggest that patients currently treated with CD20 antibodies for other immune-mediated […]

Novel melanoma antigen peptide and uses thereof

The invention relates to peptides derived from the MELOE antigen for therapeutic vaccination against cancer. A phase I clinical trial for ex-vivo […]

Antibody for the treatment of myocardial infarction

The present invention relates to a method for treating MI or AMI in a subject in need thereof comprising a step of administering to said subject a […]

Gene therapy coding for anti-tau nanobody to treat rare tauopathies

The invention relates to generation, optimization and characterisation of VHH targeted against Tau MTBD (microtubule-binding domain) with high […]

Method to restore or improve cognitive functions

The present invention relates to the field of memory and cognitive functions. Here the inventors show that memory stimulations induce autophagy in the […]

Use of fzd7 inhibitors for the treatment of retinal neovascularization

Retinal ischemia and abnormal blood vessels growth are major determinants in the pathogenesis of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and proliferative […]

Methods of treating heart failure

Worldwide, 1% to 2% of the general adult population have heart failure (HF), which is accompanied by reduced quality of life, high morbidity, […]

Methods of enhancing the potency of incretin-based drugs in subjects

The present invention relates to methods of enhancing the potency of incretin-based drugs in subjects in need thereof. Through different animal […]