
Use of an agent capable of inhibiting the activation of mait cells for

Obesity is associated with low-grade inflammation in adipose tissue (AT) and dysfunctional adipocytes producing inflammatory molecules. A recent study […]

Anti- protease nexin-1 conformational single domain antibodies and

The present invention relates to anti-protease nexin-1 (PN-1) conformational single domain antibodies and uses thereof in particular in the […]

Correction of beta-thalassemia phenotype by genetically engineered

The present invention relates to a genetically modified hematopoietic stem cellrn(HSC) comprising, in at least one ?-globin gene comprised in the […]

Antibodies specific for il20-rb and uses thereof for the treatment of

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Acute exacerbation of COPD (AE-COPD) in […]

Methods and compositions for treating asthma and allergic diseases

The present invention relates to allergy field. Several independent groups have recently investigated the implication of PCSK9 on inflammation and […]

Novel melanoma antigens

The invention relates to melanoma antigen named MELOE and their use for preventing, treating and diagnosing melanoma. […]

Anti-cathepsin d human antibody for triple negative breast cancer

Inventors have generated two human anti-cath-D scFv fragments cloned in the human IgG1 ??format (F1 and E2) that efficiently bind to human and mouse […]

Anti-neurotensin mab for the treatment of cancer

The present invention relates to a neutralising antibody which is capable of binding to neurotensin with high affinity. The antibody of the present […]

Human monoclonal antibodies against orexin receptor type 1

The present invention relates to human monoclonal antibodies against orexin receptor type 1 (OX1R) and uses thereof for the treatment of cancer. […]

Il15 antagonist to treat inflammation

The present relates to interleukin 15 (IL-15) antagonists and uses thereof, in particular for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and inflammatory […]