A progression model that estimates a normative scenario of the progressive impairments of neurodegenerative diseases

The invention relates to age-related brain diseases, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. Statistical models based on the regression of measurements with age are inadequate to model the progression of such diseases. As a consequence, the inventors worked on a numerical model to determine a temporal progression for such biological phenomenon, the numerical model being a function in a Riemann manifold.rnSuch model enables to obtain a method for determining the temporal progression of a biological phenomenon which can be implemented on computer and provides better results than statistical models based on the regression of measurements. This determining method may be applied for predicting that a subject is at risk of suffering from such disease, diagnosing a disease, identifying a therapeutic or a biomarker and screening compounds useful as a medicine.rn

Keywords: Disease Progression model - Neurodegenerative Diseases - Patient Segmentation- Data Miningrn
Patent Application number: International Procedure (PCT) - 11 Mai 2016 - PCT/IB2016/052699
Front Neurol. 2018 May 4;9:235. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00235. eCollection 2018.



    Business Developper
    Anne COCHI
    Business Development Manager
    Patent filling date: 11-05-2016
    Rare disease: No
    Second indication: No

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