
Method to treat and stratificate a patient sufferingfrom a cancer

The present invention relates to the stratification and treatment of patients suffering of cancer. Due to the fact that anti-PD1 therapy targets […]

Methods and compositions for predicting and treating uveal melanoma

Here, in multi-scale analyses using single-cell RNA sequencing of six different primary uveal melanomas, inventors uncover a previously unrecognized […]

Methods and compositions for predicting and treating uveal melanoma

Here, in multi-scale analyses using single-cell RNA sequencing of six different primary uveal melanomas, inventors uncover a previously unrecognized […]

Method for predicting survival time in patients suffering from cancer

The inventors found that metabolic gene signatures of human pan-tumor associated myeloid cells correlate with patient survival and cancer cell mitotic […]

Use of cd160 as a biomarker in acute myeloid leukemia

Natural killer (NK) cells are innate cytotoxic lymphoid cells (ILCs) involved in the killing of infected and tumor cells. Several NK cell subsets have […]

Use of slamf1 as a biomarker in colorectal cancer

Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are tissue-resident lymphocytes that differ from conventional T lymphocytes in having no antigen-specific receptors. ILCs […]

Method for treating and prognosing cancer like glioblastoma

The present invention relates the treatment and prognostic of cancer like glioblastoma. Here, the inventors focused their study on the impact of […]

Methods for discontinuing a treatment with a tyrosinekinase inhibitor

The present invention relates to a method for discontinuing a treatment with a TKI by determining the number and/or frequency of innate CD8(+) T-cells […]

Methods for diagnosing nasal intestinal type adenocarcinomas

The present invention relates to methods and compositions for the diagnostic and for the treatment of nasal intestinal type adenocarcinomas (ITAC). […]

Methods of determining whether patients suffering from acute myeloid

Deciphering the impact of metabolic intervention on response to anticancer therapy represents a path toward improved clinical responses. Here, the […]