
Hg5ln hpxr cell line

HG5LN were generated by transfection of cervical cancer HeLa cells with the (GAL4RE)5-betaGlobin-Luciferase-SV40-Neomycin plasmid. HG5LN GAL4-hPXR […]

Hmln (hgr) cell line

HMLN were generated by transfection of cervical cancer HeLa cells with the MMTV- -Luciferase-SV40-Neomycin plasmid. rnHMLN hGR alpha cells were […]

Hg5ln gal4-rtr beta cell line

HG5LN were generated by transfection of cervical cancer HeLa cells with the (GAL4RE)5-betaGlobin-Luciferase-SV40-Neomycin plasmid. rnHG5LN […]

Hg5ln gal4-hppar alpha cell line

HG5LN were generated by transfection of cervical cancer HeLa cells with the (GAL4RE)5-betaGlobin-Luciferase-SV40-Neomycin plasmid. rnHG5LN GAL4-hPPAR […]

Heln hrar alpha cell line

HELN were generated by transfection of cervical cancer HeLa cells with the ERE-betaGlobin-Luciferase-SV40-Neomycin plasmid.rnHELN hRAR alpha cells […]

Hahlh (hahr) cell line

HAHLH were generated by transfection of cervical cancer HeLa cells with the XRE(TnGCGTG)3-TATA-Luciferase-SV40-Hygromycin plasmid. rnThe plasmid […]

Heln cell line

HELN were generated by transfection of cervical cancer HeLa cells with the ERE-betaGlobin-Luciferase-SV40-Neomycin plasmid. rnrnThe plasmid […]

New strategy targeting stroma/tumor cell crosstalk to treat a cancer

In this study, the Inventors report that CD9 is a key component of PC-associated CAFsderived ANXA6+-EVs. They determined that CD9 is expressed by […]

Mesenchymal stem cell derived extracellular vesicles loaded with at

Several gastrointestinal and gynecological malignancies have the potential to disseminate and grow in the peritoneal cavity. The occurrence of […]

Anti-ptf1a antibodies

Two rabbits (A and B) were immunized with a mix of two synthetic peptides of murine PTF1a sequence (one N-term peptide, KSFDNIENEPPFEFVS (aa 309-324) […]