
Nanoblade technology: high efficiency delivery of crisprs components

The present invention relates to a virus-derived particle comprising one or more Cas protein(s), as well as to kits and methods using the same for […]

Non-invasive imaging of tumor pd-l1 expression using radiolabeled

The present invention relates to a method for identifying patients sufferingrnfrom or suspected to suffer from a cancer involving a solid tumor […]

System for treatment by photodynamic therapy and method for

System for treatment by photodynamic therapy comprising:rn- an illuminating device including a light emitting surface for illuminating an internal […]

Cdc25a phosphatase inhibitor for use in thetreatment of a drug

The invention relates to a CDC25A phosphatase inhibitor for use in the treatment of drug resistant cancer or for use in the prevention of tumor […]

Mitoception: novel method for the intracellular transfer of isolated

The present invention relates to a method for the intercellular transfer of an amount of mitochondria isolated from a population of donor cells into a […]

Anti-kit mab for the treatment of cancer (aml, gist)

The invention relates to two isolated human neutralizing antibodies that binds to an undisclosed Tyrosine Kinase Receptor, which further induces […]

Fonctionalized microparticules as vaccination adjuvant and ag vector

The invention relates to microparticules fonctionalized with alphagalactosylceramide for sustained iNKT cell activation. Delivering of […]